Gothicc Noodle

Twitch Streamer / Content Creator

Character Lore

On the planet known to humans as Ashaan-287C, laid the unknown existence of an alien reptilian race known as the Pik'Sííaa (pick-see-ah). The Pik'Sííaa lived as nomads, moving from area to area in order to survive the harsh sun that destroyed all it came in contact with. The sun was only less intense in a small strip of land deemed the "goldilocks" zone, which stretched from the north to the south pole of the planet. The planet's rotation meant that the Pik'Sííaa had to move every few months, otherwise they'd burn or freeze to death, forcing their structures to be non-permanent. The only permanent structures they made were the coliseums they built in order to hold the physical competitions they deemed the "Omo'Tsaa", or "grand fights". The Pik'Sííaa were broken into three tribes, the Ii'Yiko (ee-yi-koh), Itsiksii (it-sick-see), and the Ok'Āke (oak-ākay).

Fighting is an essential part of the Pik'Sííaa culture and is rooted at the base of their society, and those that were victorious in battle lead the rest of their people. Though, they were very strict about sportsmanship and anyone deemed "Kitāawa" (a cheater) would be thrown from their society and left to either die or live a life of scorn, stealing scraps from others and hiding in the shadows.

The Ii'Yiko were deemed the "strong" group, typically having more physical strength than the others while carrying a defect that led to less developed brains, making them more aggressive and less logical. The Itsiksii were weaker than the Ii'Yiko, but still stronger than the Ok'Āke, making them more reliant on their charm for fooling their more aggressive opponents. Finally, the Ok'Āke were the weakest of the tribes, but had the most advanced brain composition and were rumored to have "special powers". They often use their wit to talk their way out of fights or avoid them entirely, only choosing to fight when absolutely necessary.

The Pik'Sííaa were humanoid, and had similar brain structures to those you may be familiar with. Though, one fatal flaw in their genetics is the malformation of their amygdala, which causes depression and intrusive thoughts to plague the population. Mental health is an important aspect of their lives, so much so that if a competitor were to be found mentally unfit they would be removed from the competition and cared for, even by opposing tribes.

This all was the case, until the Pik'Sííaa were the victim of an alien attack. The Pik'Sííaa were immediately overpowered and almost all life was destroyed on Ashaan, besides a few of it's inhabitants that were taken as slaves by the alien race. The planet was destroyed after the invasion, but an Itsiksii was able to break free from her captors when the power to the ship cut off and released her from her cuffs. She was able to overtake the alien ship and get it started again and set off, looking desperately for any signs of life, until she passed out from lack of rest and crash-landed into planet Earth. There she awoke, dazed and confused about the size of the structures around her. She hid for days, overwhelmed by her surroundings and the new life-forms she was unfamiliar with until she spotted what appeared to her to be a less-evolved form of her people in the window of a pet shop.

After realizing the ball python did not speak Pik'Sííaa, she looked around and noticed that the planet was inhabited by varying life-forms, and she even spotted someone she thought was Pik'Sííaa, only to be a very confused hognose that did not speak her language. Frustrated, she sat on the curb and planted her face in her hands, only to hear the sound of what appeared to be the screams of battle from her home. After investigating, she had walked into a building covered in small squares playing loud noises she was unfamiliar with, but very attracted to. It was then that she was taught English by the store's owner, who dressed in all black, and stayed until she was prepared to go out and learn more about the very confusing world she found herself in. Thought to be the last of her kind, she decided to give herself a name, and she settled on the word "Celia". She liked it's tone.